About The Journal
Journal of Developments in Mass Spectrometry (JDMS) is dedicated to showcasing the latest advancements in mass spectrometry technology and its diverse applications in biological and environmental research. We cover a wide range of topics including instrumentation and data acquisition, sample preparation and isolation, mass spectrometry measurements and data analysis, as well as applications in biochemistry, proteomics, metabolomics, pharmacokinetics, drug discovery, cell biology, and environmental science. Additionally, we explore related subjects such as spectral data quality metrics, soft ionization processes, fragmentation mechanisms, and data-independent mass spectrometry. Our goal is to provide a platform for researchers and experts to share their insights and contribute to the ever-evolving field of mass spectrometry.
Article Submission Procedure:
Authors interested in submitting their work to the journal should review the guidelines for authors before submitting their manuscripts. All manuscripts must follow the journal's guidelines, including the format and presentation requirements. Papers should be submitted through the submission portal. All manuscripts are then subjected to a rigorous peer-review process; accepted papers are published online and made available to the global scientific community. The Journal of Developments in Mass Spectrometry is committed to ensuring that manuscripts are published in a timely manner.
For submissions, please use our Online Manuscript Submission System. Authors are requested to submit their articles directly to Online Manuscript Submission. If you have difficulty in filling the online form, you can also send us your submission via email as an attachment to the Editorial Office at [email protected] or “chat with us” by clicking the blue button at the left corner of the page.
Instructions for Authors:
Authors publishing in JDMS are encouraged to adhere to the journal's high standards of scientific integrity and ethical standards. Submissions should include a clear and concise description of the research and its implications. All manuscripts should be submitted online in PDF format and must adhere to the submission guidelines outlined by the journal. All manuscripts are subject to peer review and must meet the journal's stringent standards for acceptability before publication.
Type of Submissions:
1. Original Research Articles: New developments in mass spectrometry techniques, instrumentation, or applications in chemistry, biology, environmental science, and medicine.
2. Review Articles: Comprehensive reviews of recent advances in mass spectrometry, including applications, methodologies, and emerging trends.
3. Methodology Papers: Development and optimization of mass spectrometry methods, including sample preparation, data acquisition, and analysis.
4. Applications Papers: Use of mass spectrometry in research areas like metabolomics, proteomics, lipidomics, and environmental analysis.
5. Instrumentation and Technology Reports: Description of new mass spectrometry instruments, software, or technological advancements.
6. Data Analysis and Interpretation Studies: Novel approaches for processing and interpreting mass spectrometry data, including statistical methods and data visualization.
7. Case Studies: Practical application of mass spectrometry in solving real-world problems or addressing specific research questions.
8. Short Communications: Concise reports on significant findings or developments in mass spectrometry.
9. Perspectives and Opinions: Insights, opinions, or perspectives on current issues, challenges, or future directions in mass spectrometry.
10. Letters to the Editor: Comments, criticisms, or responses to previously published articles, fostering scholarly discourse and debate.
Editorial Board:
The JDMS Editorial Board consists of experts from a wide range of mass spectrometry-related fields such as Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Science, and Molecular Biology, among others. All members of the board have a wide variety of expertise in the fields of mass spectrometry and are responsible for ensuring the quality of the content and for supervising the process for submitted manuscripts.
Article Processing Charge:
Article processing charges are required for the publication of accepted papers in JDMS. These charges are designed for editing, formatting, and hosting the article online. The charges are reasonable and cover the associated costs of the journal's operations.
Collaborated Universities and Institutions:
- Nayla Ferreira Lima - University of Santa Catarina State
- Suvarna Kishore Marimganti - University of Rhode Island, Kingston
- Hadir Mohamed Maher Shalaby - King Saud University
- Jennifer Paola Pascali - University of Florence
- Fabrizio Dal Piaz - University degli Studi di Salerno
- Alessandro Valli - University of Oxford
- Peiying Yang - Beijing University
- Maxuel Andrade - Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory, Campinas.
- Purnima Kaultiku - Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore
- Hyo Jung Choi - Kyungpook National University
- Kamil Dimililer - Near East University
- Fei He - University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Contact Us
For any inquiries, please contact us via email.
Journals By Subject
Agriculture and Aquaculture
Biological Sciences & Developmental Biology
- Bioinformatics And Diabetes     ISSN : 2374-9431
- Biomaterials      
- Biosemiotic Research     
- Biotechnology and Biomedical Science     ISSN : 2576-6694
- Fertility Biomarkers     ISSN : 2576-2818
- International Journal of Structural Biology     
- Systems Biology     
- Advances in Leukemia      
- Brain And Spinal Cancer     ISSN : 2576-182X
- Breast Cancer Survival     
- Cancer Genetics And Biomarkers     ISSN : 2572-3030
- Cervical Cancer     ISSN : 2997-2108
- Colon And Rectal Cancer     ISSN : 2471-7061
- Diseases     ISSN : 2997-1977
- Hematology and Oncology Research     ISSN : 2372-6601
- International Journal of Chemotherapy Research and Practice      
- International Journal of Prostate Cancer     
- Lung Cancer Epidemiology     
- Neoplasms      ISSN : 2639-1716
- Skin Cancer Epidemiology     
- Thyroid Cancer     ISSN : 2574-4496
- Alcohol      
- Carbohydrates     
- Developments in Mass Spectrometry     
- International Journal of Amino Acids     
- International Journal of Hydrocarbons     
- International Journal of Lipids     ISSN : 2835-513X
- New Developments in Chemistry     ISSN : 2377-2549
- Oxygen Compounds     
- Peptides     
- Polymer Science Research     
- Water     ISSN : 2769-2264
- Agronomy Research     ISSN : 2639-3166
- Energy Conservation     ISSN : 2642-3146
- International Journal of Limnology     ISSN : 2691-3208
- International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine     ISSN : 2690-0904
- Plant and Animal Ecology     ISSN : 2637-6075
- Weather Changes     
Life Sciences
- Advanced Cytology     
- Advanced Research in Botany     
- Advances in Plant Biology      ISSN : 2638-4469
- Antioxidant Activity     ISSN : 2471-2140
- Body Fluids     
- Bone Marrow Biology     
- Breastfeeding Biology     ISSN : 2644-0105
- Chromosomes     
- Clinical Research In HIV AIDS And Prevention     ISSN : 2324-7339
- Current Scientific Research     ISSN : 2766-8681
- Current Viruses and Treatment Methodologies     ISSN : 2691-8862
- DNA And RNA Research     ISSN : 2575-7881
- Drug Resistant Pathogen Research     
- Embryology     
- Enzymes     ISSN : 2690-4829
- Evolutionary Science     ISSN : 2689-4602
- Evolving Stem Cell Research     ISSN : 2574-4372
- Fungal Diversity     ISSN : 2766-869X
- Genetic Engineering     ISSN : 2694-1198
- Human and Animal Intestines      
- Immunology and Geriatrics     
- In-vitro In-vivo In-silico Journal     
- International Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development      ISSN : 2691-6622
- International Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism     
- International Journal of Cell     
- International Journal of Cytokine     
- International Journal of Entomology     ISSN : 2768-5209
- International Journal of Heart Research     
- International Marine Science Journal     ISSN : 2643-0282
- International Ornithology     
- International Physiology Journal     ISSN : 2578-8590
- Mammal Research      
- Osteoarthritis and Cartilage      
- Pancreas     
- Parasite Research     ISSN : 2690-6759
- Plant Cell Development     ISSN : 2832-5311
- Primates     
- Skeletal Muscle     ISSN : 2832-4048
- Spleen And Liver Research     ISSN : 2578-2371
- Thrombosis and treatments     
- Tissue Repair and Regeneration      ISSN : 2640-6403
- Transgenics     
- Wildlife     ISSN : 2997-2248
- Zoological Research     ISSN : 2694-2275
Medical Sciences
- Advanced Forensic Sciences     ISSN : 2692-5915
- Advanced Rheumatology Science     
- Advanced Therapeutic Science     
- Aging Research And Healthcare     ISSN : 2474-7785
- Air and Water Borne Diseases     
- Alternative Medicine and Mind Body Practices     
- Alzheimer's Research and Therapy     ISSN : 2998-4211
- Arthritis Research and Therapy     
- Blood Pressure     
- Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology     ISSN : 2689-5773
- Current Chronic Diseases      
- Death     
- Dentistry And Oral Implants     ISSN : 2473-1005
- Dermatologic Research And Therapy     ISSN : 2471-2175
- Digestive Disorders And Diagnosis     ISSN : 2574-4526
- Endocrinology And Hormones     
- Etiological Diagnosis     
- Family Medicine     ISSN : 2640-690X
- Fetal Surgery     ISSN : 2997-2086
- Food Science and Hygiene     ISSN : 2835-2165
- Hereditary Diseases     
- Human Health Research     ISSN : 2576-9383
- Hypertension and Cardiology     ISSN : 2329-9487
- Immunization     ISSN : 2577-137X
- Implementation science     
- Intensive Care and Emergency Services     
- International Epilepsy Journal     
- International Journal of Allergy     
- International Journal of Anesthesia     
- International Journal of Antibiotic Research     
- International Journal of Blood Transfusion      
- International Journal of Clinical Microbiology     ISSN : 2690-4721
- International Journal of Complementary Medicine     
- International Journal of Eating and Weight Disorders     
- International Journal of General Practice     ISSN : 2692-5257
- International Journal of Glaucoma     
- International Journal of Global Health     ISSN : 2693-1176
- International Journal of Health Statistics     ISSN : 2997-1969
- International Journal of Human Anatomy     ISSN : 2577-2279
- International Journal of Infection Prevention      ISSN : 2690-4837
- International Journal of Inflammation Research      
- International Journal of Medical Practitioners     
- International Journal of Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders     
- International Journal of Negative Results     ISSN : 2641-9181
- International Journal of Neonatology     ISSN : 2998-4785
- International Journal of Neuroimaging     
- International Journal of Neuroinformatics     
- International Journal of Nutrition     ISSN : 2379-7835
- International Journal of Pain Management     ISSN : 2688-5328
- International Journal of Personalized Medicine     
- International Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases     ISSN : 2994-6743
- International Journal of Steroids     
- International Journal of Surgical Techniques     
- International Journal of Thorax     
- International Journal of Translational Research     
- International Journal of Vasculitis     
- Medical and Psychological Trauma     ISSN : 2766-6204
- Medical and Surgical Urology     
- Medical Informatics and Decision Making     ISSN : 2641-5526
- Memory     
- Migraine Management     
- Nephrology Advances     ISSN : 2574-4488
- Nervous System and Physiological Phenomena     
- Neurological Research And Therapy     ISSN : 2470-5020
- Obesity Management     ISSN : 2574-450X
- Ophthalmic Science     ISSN : 2470-0436
- Organ Transplantation     ISSN : 2576-9359
- Otolaryngology Advances     ISSN : 2379-8572
- Palliative Care And Hospice     
- Patient Care and Services     
- Pediatric Health And Nutrition     ISSN : 2691-5014
- Preventive Medicine And Care     ISSN : 2474-3585
- Radiation and Nuclear Medicine     ISSN : 2766-8630
- Respiratory Diseases     ISSN : 2642-9241
- Sinusitis     
- Spine and Neuroscience     ISSN : 2694-1201
- Sports and Exercise Medicine     ISSN : 2694-2283
- Surgery Proceedings     
- Tropical Diseases and Medicine     
- Ulcers     
- Veterinary Healthcare     ISSN : 2575-1212
- Women's Reproductive Health     ISSN : 2381-862X
Pharmaceutical sciences
- Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation     
- ADHD And Care     ISSN : 3066-8042
- Behavior Therapy And Mental Health     ISSN : 2474-9273
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry     ISSN : 2643-6655
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy     
- Depression And Therapy     ISSN : 2476-1710
- Human Psychology     ISSN : 2644-1101
- International Journal of Ethology     
- International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research     ISSN : 2574-612X
- Psychological Disorders     
- Psychophysiology Practice and Research     
- Schizophrenia Disorders And Therapy     
- Sleep And Sleep Disorder Research     ISSN : 2574-4518
- Verbal Behavior     
- Woman's Mental Health